To spare you the sob "I work 40 hours a week and barely have enough energy to get groceries" story, I decided to trudge a little further tonight after work and try a new location of my gym.
This gym had a turf area, equipped with TRX bands, battle ropes, slam balls, sleds,... Needless to say, I was in heaven. I didn't even know where to begin! I was so giddy, I felt like it was Christmas. So I utilized this crossfit equipment that I usually don't get to play around with and turned a chest/tris day into a full body workout.
So many people ask me how I see all of this equipment and don't become overwhelmed. I wish I had some super neat secret, but I don't. Just many long logged hours in the gym, plenty of reading and research, and lots of trial and error. The more you learn muscle groups and how they interact with specific movements, the better you can customize your workouts to maximize your time with what you have available - not only with unique equipment but also when you get to the gym and it's so crowded you're limited as to what you can actually do. This used to irritate me, now I really enjoy thinking of new exercises and don't even bother planning until I get there and scope out what's available.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with TRX - essentially it is a suspension system that utilizes your bodyweight to drive muscle fatigue. You don't need weights or much space which makes this the ultimate solution to these crowded downtown gyms that we are so [not] used to. Check out their website, you'll see some great workouts there and you may find that if you're new to the protein-shake-loving, grunt-inducing world this is a great place to start. TRX is very easy to learn (and makes you look like you know far more than you actually do).
Here's what I did tonight:
(repeat three times)
135lb sled push
20x 16lb ball slams
20x 12kg kettlebell snatches
20x TRX push-ups
20x TRX tricep extensions
20x TRX Y fly
20x TRX single leg squat
10x 135lb straight leg deadlifts
10x 60lb power clean and jerks
20x 16kg kettlebell swings
20x TRX atomic pikes
20x regular push-ups